The Five-Minute Stitch! EP16
Welcome to Episode Sixteen of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I explain where the videos went for a few weeks and continue work on the snail.
Welcome to Episode Sixteen of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I explain where the videos went for a few weeks and continue work on the snail.
Welcome to Episode Fifteen of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I talk about the virtues of small kits and how impressed I am with small kits having a lot of detail, and talk about several finishes I’ve done of different sizes.
Welcome to Episode Fourteen of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I return back to the bookmark for a bit of stitching on the green color before moving on to the variegated thread again.
God Sent Special Things: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
My wrist is feeling pretty crummy today and I’ve got class tonight, so I really don’t feel like doing anything… since the chance of me doing any stitching to cheer myself up is low, I thought it might be nice to write some articles for the blog instead!
Funny story: when I first started this project I was about to go on vacation to Florida for a week… that was almost two years ago now! I took it with me to stitch on and ended up spending all my time in the ocean so I don’t think I got more than 10 stitches done on it? Fast forward two years later, I’m going on vacation to Florida, and having completely forgot that this was the project I took two years ago, I brought it with me to stitch on!
So this is where we left off last time:
Again, I spent more time in the ocean and on the beach than I did inside with my stitching so I didn’t get much done. But, we spent the night at my boyfriend’s grandpa’s house on the way back home and there was a nasty storm, so I stitched some while the power flickered, and I stitched some more as we finished the last half of the drive. I don’t know how many stitches I finished… but I feel like I made some progress!
This is the sum total of all the stitching I did on vacation:
I finished the stitches on the left kitten where I had run out of thread, and I started on the basket both kittens are sitting in. There are a lot of fractionals in that area! I seem to pick the projects with the maximum amount of fractionals in one area. It drives me crazy! I don’t mind doing fractionals but I do mind them on aida, and that’s all I seem to stitch on. I debated starting on the white on the right kitten so it didn’t look like a zombie ate part of its face, but my philosophy is always to save white on white for as close to the end as possible! I was happy to work with darker thread and different colors. I don’t like confetti stitching but working with the same colors can get so dull after awhile.
Progress Report is an update on all my stitching habits, from the kits to the stitching to the finishing process and more! Right now I am featuring one of my cat-themed projects and several of the mini kits I’m currently working on, along with other pieces I like to pull out and work on at random.
By the way – to keep up on Little Thread Crafts stitching news and get pictures, updates, and more that don’t appear on the blog until much later, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! I would greatly appreciate it!
Progress Report: Cat Rotation #2, God Sent Special Things, Part 1
Progress Report: Cat Rotation #2, God Sent Special Things, Part 2
THIS is an example of why I Don’t Like Large Projects!
So this is where I left off on my “God Sent Special Things” cross-stitch piece that was a part of my failed Cat Rotation:
Welcome to Episode Thirteen of The Five-Minute Stitch!
All I talk about is railroading this video, to catch those who only started watching up to speed. I get asked about it pretty much every video! (I really messed up my wrist at work the other day, so of course it’s flared up again, and I am wearing my brace in this video.)
The finished piece!
As we are all very well aware, I am a big fan of mini kits. My favorite mini kits are the ones that have a lot of detail in a few small amount of space. Today’s Friday Finishes is one of those detailed mini kits!
Name of Piece: WM45690 Home
Designed by: There is no designer listed.
Distributed as a kit by Plaid Bucilla.
Kit Contains: Frame, 14 ct. Aida cloth (100% cotton), floss, needle, instructions, and chart.
Finished Size: 2.5 in x 2.5 in.
Welcome to Episode Twelve of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I start on a new project and end up talking quite a bit about stitchers dissing on other stitchers, along with a really cool article I saw the other day!
I have to share this with you guys! Back in March of 2014 I participated in a survey conducted by the UK-based “Stitched With Love” company seeking information on cross-stitch statistics. This is a detailed and in-depth look at the statistics behind stitchers and the art of cross-stitching. It’s very eye-opening and worth taking a look at!
You can read the article for yourself here (or click the above image): The Secret Life of a Cross Stitcher
And you can find their full website here:
Welcome to Episode Eleven of The Five-Minute Stitch!
I discover a mistake just as I begin to stitch a new color. (My wrist is flared up, so I’m wearing my brace in this video!)