Facebook Cross-Stitch Groups Revisited
This is part 2 of a multi-part series. This article was originally posted in August of 2013. All information below may have changed!
Read Part 1: Looking For a Cross-Stitch Community? Try Facebook!
One of the first articles I wrote for my blog revolved around the various cross-stitch groups I had just discovered on Facebook. And people are still reading it, almost nine months later! So, I wanted to do a follow-up to the previous article. I’ve found a lot more groups since December of 2012 and discovered a lot more about my groups. Skip around to the ones you want to read and maybe join!
There are 5,902 members in this group at the time of this writing. (There will probably be over 6,000 by next week.) It is one of the fastest growing (and fastest moving) cross-stitch groups on Facebook. I have yet to find one with as many or more members. It was the first group I discovered and the first group I was a member of.
This group is closed, meaning you can’t see the posts until you become a member. That’s not a bad thing! It means that your friends and family can’t see what you’re posting, so if you want to post a picture of a WIP that you’re making as a Christmas present for your family, they can’t see it and you can post without needing to wait.
There are two admins, Margaret and Robin, and they do fantastic jobs of running the group for only two people to 6,000 members. All in all it’s a group I highly recommend! 6,000 members post a lot so there’s always something new to see in this group.
There are 1,706 members in this group at the time of this writing. This group is dedicated as a group to host all of your finished pieces and display them for others to see and fawn over. Each member is asked to post the name of the pattern, the designer, the fabric count, and all that good stuff when you post your completed projects.
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There are six admins in this group, Rebecca being the main one, and they do a great job of running the group. If you like looking at other people’s finishes, then this is the perfect group for you! It’s a great place to go when you’re looking for some stitchy motivation (or to increase your stash)!
There is only 132 members in this group at the time of this writing, but despite that this group is my absolute favorite. This group is dedicated to completing UFOs as well as acting as a stitching (and general life) support group. This is the group Birdie Stitching originally wrote about (and how I discovered Facebook cross-stitch groups!).
This group is closed, meaning you can’t see the posts until you become a member. That’s not a bad thing! It means that your friends and family can’t see what you’re posting, so if you want to post a picture of a WIP that you’re making as a Christmas present for your family, they can’t see it and you can post without needing to wait.
There is one admin, Micki, and the group’s creator is Elizabeth. They are both absolutely fantastic and very supportive of everyone who posts in their group. I would love to see this group grow! It is a tight-knit but welcoming community and we would love to have more stitchy members. 🙂
There are 50 members in this group at the time of writing. This group is small, and dedicated to all things creative, though it was made with cross-stitch in mind. It’s mostly a group of stitchers but posting about other crafty things are allowed and welcome!
This group is closed, meaning you can’t see the posts until you become a member. That’s not a bad thing! It means that your friends and family can’t see what you’re posting, so if you want to post a picture of a WIP that you’re making as a Christmas present for your family, they can’t see it and you can post without needing to wait.
There are two admins, Jane and Susan, and they are both extremely active within the group. This is a nice group and I would recommend joining it if you are interested in all things crafty, not just cross-stitch!
There are 1,300 members in this group at the time of writing. This group is just about sharing the love of cross-stitch with one another, asking questions, sharing your WIPs and finishes, and everything else. This group loves to acquire more stash!
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There is one admin, Dianne, who is very quick to accept any new members who are looking to join. This group is always looking for more members and would love to have new stitchy members!
There are 1,130 members in this group at the time of writing. This group’s goal is to have every stitcher on Facebook join it, in an attempt to count how many stitchers there are on Facebook. They’re still quite a ways off, but if you’re a stitcher, you should join this group to help the count! They talk about all things cross-stitch all the time.
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There are two admins, Carrol and Bianca, and they are wonderful in interacting with the group and its community. If you are a stitcher you need to join this group and help their count of how many stitchers exist on Facebook! It’s an interesting experiment and they should have more members. 🙂
There are 1,225 members in this group at the time of writing. This group is just a fun club that’s open to all stitchers to join. They like to hold community events that are totally free to join and not mandatory to participate, just a fun thing to do.
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There are three admins, Lisa, Heather and Amanda, and they are all very nice and are quick to add new members who want to join. All in all a fun little group to join. 🙂
There are 2,802 members in this group at the time of writing. This group has been around for nine years and is still going strong today. It’s a very welcoming community – no negativity is tolerated! (Unless it’s about the dreaded frog.)
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There is one admin, Lauren, and she’s very awesome about running and maintaining the community. I have spoken to her first hand and she is always receptive to any issues you may have about something in the group. She handles things quickly and quietly. This group is very friendly and I highly recommend it!
There are 2,238 members in this group at the time of writing. As the title says, this group is for all types of embroidery and needlework, not just cross-stitch. It’s a great group if you’re looking to get into needlepoint or into cross-stitch! They cater to anything you can do with a needle.
This groups is open, meaning that you can see the posts if you aren’t a member. It also means that friends and family can see what you post when you post in the group. It will show up in their news feed like you had shared something on your wall. (My boyfriend often complains because I post my articles in all my groups, and it shows up on his news feed in the open groups for each one I posted in.)
There are six admins in this group, Jolene, Grace, Holly, Cynthia, Christina, and Emma, and with that many admins they have a good handle on running the group! All the admins are friendly and inviting, and because there are so many, you’re sure to get accepted into the group quickly.
There are 1,473 members in this group at the time of this writing. This group is all about cross-stitching and how addictive it is! It’s also a group dedicated to teaching others about cross-stitch and other forms of embroidery, as well as expand the horizons of other stitchers.
This group is closed, meaning you can’t see the posts until you become a member. That’s not a bad thing! It means that your friends and family can’t see what you’re posting, so if you want to post a picture of a WIP that you’re making as a Christmas present for your family, they can’t see it and you can post without needing to wait.
There is one admin, Michele, and she is very quick about accepting new members! I think I was accepted within an hour of requesting an invite (which is just Facebook’s fancy way of people joining groups). I really like this group and what it stands for. If you like it as well, you should join!
And there you have it: a comprehensive list of every Facebook group I have been a part of. There are many, many more that I’m not in, and I’m sure there are even more that I don’t even know exist! If you have any groups of your own, feel free to share, either in a comment below or on our Facebook page.
“Random Corner” is a place for all articles related to all manners of cross-stitchery and the cross-stitch community that don’t fall into the topics covered in the regular weekly schedule. There is no set schedule for Random Corner articles, they’re just random!