The Five-Minute Stitch! Mini Kit Rotation – EP05


Welcome to Episode Five of our Mini Kit Rotation!

The Current Project: Let’s Set Sail By Bucilla

Today’s video has me starting on the left hand sail. This is our last video for the week on this project. Next video we start in on our second mini kit!

Things Discussed in this Episode:

New Year’s Stitchy Resolutions, Year 3, 2015

What is The Five-Minute Stitch?

I do not do enough stitching in my daily life. I have plenty of free time but a lot of other hobbies, so I don’t get as much stitching done as I would like. So, I am holding myself accountable: maintain a video diary where I stitch for at least five minutes three days a week. Hopefully I can increase that to five minutes every day a week, but I’m starting small to begin with!

Why only 5 minutes?

Five minutes are all I’m comfortable recording at a time. The hardest part of any project is sitting down to start working. I’m holding myself accountable to five-minute segments, so that once the camera stops rolling I will have the motivation to stitch more on other projects. I’m not only stitching for five minutes and that’s it! πŸ™‚ Besides, no one wants to watch me stitch for hours at a time!

Thanks for watching! πŸ™‚


By the way – to keep up on Little Thread Crafts stitching news and get pictures, updates, and more that don’t appear on the blog until much later, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! I would greatly appreciate it!