Friday Finishes #33: Little Princess

Today’s Finish!
Today’s Friday Finish is a cute Little Princess piece that I stitched up because I wanted to work on a mini kit. I think I wanted to give it to one of my younger cousins and decided to keep it for myself… I’m a princess too, after all!
Name of Piece: #021-1389 Little Princess
Designed by: There is no designer listed for this piece.
Chart Or Kit?: Mini Kit
Distributed as a kit by Janlynn Corporation under their “Designs for the Needle” series.
Kit Contains: 18 ct cotton aida fabric, 6-strand cotton floss, metallic thread,frame, self-adhesive mounting board, needle, graph, and instructions
Finished Size: 2.75 inches x 2.75 inches oval (5.7 x 7 cm)
The Story: I bought this mini kit during one of my typical mini kit shopping sessions. I grabbed up every mini kit I could find that I didn’t already own, and a few repeats at times, so I could hoard them away until I needed something small and quick to stitch on. This mini kits came from that stash. I think I started to work on it for one of my younger cousins as a Christmas gift. I decided about halfway through (after picking up and dropping the WIP like I normally do) that I wanted to keep it for myself, so I finished it and now display it with the rest of my finished mini kit collection.
You can follow along with the progress on this piece here:
Progress Report, Little Princess: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Time To Complete: Total stitch time, about 6 hours, total amount of time from start to finish, about 2 months due to putting the mini kit on ice a few times.
Review: The metallic thread drew me to this project the most. I liked the way the gold metallic thread made the crown sparkle against the normal gold thread. Unfortunately, due to past bad experiences with metallic thread, I found myself just as nervous about that bit as well. Not to mention, the piece is covered in fractional stitches!
It really turned into a pain to stitch, between the quarter stitches and the metallic thread, but in the end it all came together and came into an adorable little mini finish! In fact, it could have used a little more metallic thread…
Final Verdict: I’m glad I kept this mini kit for myself! It’s cute, but I don’t think it’s something I could have given as a gift and had anyone else really appreciate it, as the crown looks somewhat wonky when all done.
Have you done this piece before? How did it go for you? How did you like it, or not like it, as the case may be? Leave a comment below or head on over to our Facebook page and tell us how it went!
Friday Finishes is a segment where I catalog and review all the cross-stitch pieces I have ever completed. Some of the pieces I no longer have information on, or I don’t have pictures because I gave away the piece as a gift and forgot to take a picture, but I’ll do my best to be as informative as possible! Check back on Fridays for more.