Progress Report: Native Wolf Dream Catcher, Part 2

Read The Previous Articles:

Native Wolf Dream Catcher: Part 1


Oh man, it’s been quite a while since I did an update on my Native Wolf Dream Catcher piece! (Is it Dream Catcher or Dreamcatcher? Wikipedia tells me it can be either way, but my spellcheck gets upset when it’s all one word. I prefer it with a space anyway.)

After all the stitching I did initially on the piece in an attempt to get it done as fast as possible, I put it aside (as I do with all my pieces eventually) and have barely picked it up since. This is all the progress I’ve made in the last two years or so! Maybe posting my progress will get me in the mood to stitch on it again and I’ll finally finished it.

So here is where we left off last time:

Current Progress. Looking good!

Current Progress. Looking good!

Next, I got all the accent color and the black done on the sides of the wolf, and finished off some of the interior colors:

Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

Then I finished off the black on the left side and started on the ears:

Sorry for the photo's darkness!

Sorry for the photo’s darkness!

Then I finished the wolf! Here is the wolf all finished:

Now to start on the dream catcher!

Now to start on the dream catcher!

The next step is, of course, the actual dream catcher. I decided to start from the top and work my way around. I completed the very top portion:

Making the dream catcher!

Making the dream catcher!

There are feathers on the dream catcher too, so I made some (very) small progress on them before I set the piece aside again:

It was like 10 stitches altogether, maybe.

It was like 20 stitches altogether, maybe.

And that’s it! That’s all the progress I’ve made in… two years or so. I am proud of the admittedly small progress I made, though! Already this piece is SO much better than the original I did of this. (If you want to know more about that disaster, feel free to check out the first article! Progress Report: Native Wolf Dream Catcher – Part 1.)

I’m fairly sure this kit is out of print now… is there anyone else out there who has stitched this? How did you fair with it? Did you take as long as I’m taking? Comment and let me know!


Progress Report is an update on all my stitching habits, from the kits to the stitching to the finishing process and more! Right now I am featuring a bunch of Christmas and birthday presents, along with other pieces I like to pull out and work on at random.

By the way – to keep up on Little Thread Crafts stitching news and get pictures, updates, and more that don’t appear on the blog until much later, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram! I would greatly appreciate it!